Lvp Boxers- Akc American Boxers in Ohio
Here is a little bit about us and our boxers......
Welcome to Lvp Boxers, we have a small farm of about 35 acers, it consists of our boxers and a cat and 3 horses. our inside boxer Andy has a story of his own, At six weeks old when his siblings were getting ready for there new homes, he was a good third of there size smaller. But with extra time and help he has become a large 70lb plus classic reverse brindle and has become our official greeter to everyone one who stops by. He has a special bond with our two grand children and they love him just the same. It was wonderful to watch him work his magic with our grandaughter as she was afraid of large dogs. But Andy changed all that, you can see them in our photo gallery together along with our grandson. We have found that boxers and children are too of a kind. Our first boxer came to our home about 27 yrs ago. Our son was around 5 yrs old. He had named our first male boxer Bartholomew. "Bart for Short". Which became a neighbor hood buddy to the children who came to play. "Basketball was his game". He loved to play ball often stealing the ball in the middle of the game. Such good Memories!! We now have two of barts GGG grandaughters. I still see his muscular build and great lines in some of there puppie
Each of our girls are very unique in there special ways and we enjoy each ones Individual personalitys. So you see our boxers are family,friends and companion's. We enjoy raising them because of our love for the breed.
We Thank the Good Lord for his Creation of this special Dog!! " THE BOXER"